E-Newsletter for July 7, 2023
From Your Parish Administrator Zechariah encourages the inhabitants of Jerusalem to sing joyfully for they are to be visited by a man of peace. So to speak, Israel's king will arrive not as a symbol of war but on the back of a colt or a donkey as a symbol of gentleness. Jesus in the Gospel passage this weekend brings to light, independence from the tyranny of Rome and tyranny of the Jewish legal conformities. He offers to His disciples and all who follow Him now, you and me, a unity of heart, a freedom to know and receive our truth and the prosperity of the abundant graceful life. Consequently, we find rest for our souls in making our personal declarations of dependence on Him alone who is true and freeing, peaceful and gentle on our souls.
News & Events
Please watch here for news and events, and join our events for good Catholic community!
We cordially extend a warm welcome to all our guests and parishioners. We are delighted that you have offered quality time for the Lord coming to worship with us, and we very much hope that you feel at home here. We request that you become our spokesperson to encourage and invite those who left going to Church altogether to consider being back with God at Holy Name, and pass the word around for those who left Holy Name please feel welcomed back this day and always. Newcomers are encouraged to register as members of the Parish, registration forms are available in the entryways of the church and in the Parish Office, and can be placed in the offertory receptacle or mailed to the Parish Office.
Summer Rectory Hours
For the remainder of the summer (July & August), the rectory will be closing at 1:00p.m. (We will still have the Friday prayer line, just earlier to coincide with the summer hours.)
Holy Name Prayer Line
The Holy Name Prayer Line is a group of 30+ parishioners (called the Prayer Line Partners) who pray for anyone who is in need of prayers for any reason. It could be an illness, loss of a loved one, etc., or a special intention. We invite you to share your prayer needs by calling Ann at the rectory (733-5823). You don’t even have to give us your name – just who (first name only, or you can say a woman, a man, a parishioner) the group would pray for and a very brief reason (i.e., surgery, illness, special intention, etc.) for the request. We compile a daily list (Monday through Friday) and email it to the partners who have emails, and it is called in to those who do this by phone (first person calls the second, and so on). Please contact Ann at the rectory, 733-5823, if you think you would like to join the group. Thank you.
The first Monday of every month
members of our parish are cooking and bringing American Chop Suey to South Congregational Church to serve the hungry of our city. If you can help with the cooking, please call Ann at the rectory, 733-5823. You may use your own recipe. Meals can be dropped off between 4:15 and 4:30p.m., or you are invited to stay and help serve. You’ll find plenty of safe parking right in the church parking lot.
Eucharistic Adoration
is on Tuesdays, 1-5p.m. Chaplet prayed at 3p.m., Rosary at 4:30p.m. followed by Benediction.
Updates to Sacramental Schedule
- SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Last Weekend of the Month after Mass or anytime by request.
- SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married kindly contact Fr. John Chrysostom Tibakunirwa at least six months prior to the date requested.
- SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Any Saturday of the month at 10AM.
- SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 3:30PM-4:15PM or anytime by request.
- FUNERAL SERVICE: Funeral Services are scheduled through the office by the Funeral Home Directors.
Hospital Visits and Homebound Parishioner Visits
If someone in your family is homebound or in a nursing facility, and you want to have someone from the parish visit and to give communion, please call the rectory office, 733-5823, ext. 113. Also, if someone is in the hospital and would like to have a visit by a priest, please call the same number and leave a message. We will need the hospitalized person’s name, which hospital, and their cell phone or hospital phone number, if possible. If it is an emergency and someone needs a visit ASAP for last rites, call our number and press 3 (the emergency extension).
The Steubenville East Conference
will be held in Springfield again this summer on July 21-23, 2023. Registration is open! The Diocese of Springfield is offering a $75 discount for all diocesan youth who register for this weekend.