E-Newsletter for December 29, 2023
Message from Fr. John Chrysostom Tibakunirwa, Parish Administrator
Today we celebrate the Feast of Holy Family remembering how Jesus grew up in the normal busyness of family life, how He was shaped as a person by both Mary and Joseph. Saint Matthew's Gospel highlights the importance of family. Regardless of what the family structure looks like, the characteristics of trust, love and support are necessary in any family. Continued hardship that Jesus, Mary and Joseph had to endure was very challenging to say the least. It was not enough for Mary and Joseph to travel during pregnancy, give birth in a place other than home, and live in less than ideal conditions. Now they needed to hastily leave because someone was looking to destroy Jesus. Sometimes it seems that the stress level of parenting and nurturance can be overwhelming, and it is clear that Mary and Joseph endured their share of parental stress. As difficult as this looked, Mary and Joseph with their Son bore this with firm faith. What a great example for us on how this is done.
News & Events
Please watch here for news and events, and join our events for good Catholic community!
2024 Mass Intentions
The book for the 2024 Mass Intentions is now open. Emails are preferred, but if unavailable, you can call the rectory. As always, you are welcome to schedule three weekend Masses; weekday Masses are unlimited.
Rosary for Peace
In light of the tragic events in Israel, we will be praying a Rosary for peace in the world, every Sunday of Advent starting at 10:00 AM. Bring your own needs and intentions as well.
Bible Study
There will be a Bible Study with Sr. Leila on the first Tuesday of each month starting in January from 10-10:45a.m. in the church. We will be studying the Beatitudes. Everyone is welcomed to come.
Eucharistic Adoration
is on Tuesdays, 1-5p.m. Chaplet prayed at 3p.m., Rosary at 4:30p.m. followed by Benediction.
Remembering the Homebound at Christmastime
We have a list of parishioners who are homebound, and if you are interested in either sending them a note or card, calling them to chat, or visiting (with* or without a gift), their names will be on the Giving Tree in the Dickinson Street foyer (if the tree is in decent shape). You have until January 7th (a.k.a. known as “Little Christmas” – The Epiphany) to reach out.
*Candies are always a hit, or some hand crème, or pens, stamps, note cards, and the like. Perhaps a call prior to a visit would be best, to ensure what you are thinking of bringing will work best.
Junior Legion of Mary
The Junior Legion of Mary is coming to Holy Name in October! The only requirements are being under 18 and wanting to grow with God.