E-Newsletter for
June 2, 2024
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Message from Fr. John Chrysostom Tibakunirwa, Parish Administrator

Today Mother Church provides us an opportunity to celebrate with joy the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. In so celebrating, we acknowledge the wonderful gift of Holy Communion and its implication for our daily nourishment by God's love in giving His Son, Jesus Christ, to and for us. This Feast underscores the grand desire on the part of Jesus to remain with us even after His death to be the life-giving presence that we count on. On this day, we are invited to see our lives modeled on Jesus ' giving over of His body and blood for us.

News & Events

Please watch here for news and events, and join our events for good Catholic community!

Corpus Christi Rosary Procession through downtown Northampton

Guest Speaker: Reverend David Aufiero. Sacrament of Confession will be available beginning at 1:30 P.M. Talk at 2:00p.m. by Rev. David Aufiero: “The Eucharist Will Make You a Saint”. Rosary Procession through downtown Northampton (1.8 miles), (transportation available for those who are unable to walk in the procession), Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Adoration, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, upon returning to the church. Reception to follow prayerful event. For more information or to volunteer, call George or Brenda at: (413) 221-4372 - Email: eucharisticrosaryprocession@gmail.com - www.eucharisticprocessionnorthampton.com

Safety Tip for Parishioners

If you are approached either in church or out in the parking for money, please do not comply. We do not want to encourage this practice, and want to do our best to keep our parishioners and Mass attendees safe and free from solicitations. If this happens to you, please call the If this happens to you, please call the rectory to report it (we will ask where, what time, general description of the person)and we will take the steps necessary to hopefully discourage this from happening again.

Blue Army

On the first Saturday of every month, the Blue Army group follows the 8:15a.m. Mass with a rosary, meditation on the mysteries and confession until approximately 10:30a.m. Everyone is invited to stay after Mass to take part.

Junior Legion of Mary

The Junior Legion of Mary is coming to Holy Name in October! The only requirements are being under 18 and wanting to grow with God.

For more information, visit http://juniorlegionofmary.blogspot.com/2013/04/what-is-junior-legion-of-mary.html

Bible Study

We are holding a Bible Study with Sr. Leila on the second Wednesday of the month at 10am and again at 6pm at the rectory.

Everyone is welcomed to come.

Eucharistic Adoration

is on Tuesdays, 1-5p.m. Chaplet prayed at 3p.m., Rosary at 4:30p.m. followed by Benediction.
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