E-Newsletter for
September 1, 2024
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Message from Fr. John Chrysostom Tibakunirwa, Pastor

Today in the Book of Deuteronomy, we hear Moses laying down the law and decrees which will lead Israelites back to life and to their taking possession of the land which God wishes to give them. Adherence to these statutes and decrees will be a proof that the wisdom of God from which these came is revealed by the wisdom and intelligence of those who follow them. Moses put it very clearly: keeping the rules is how one keeps a strong relationship with God. Obedience is a deeply felt heart experience is relational rather than regulatory. Obedience to God's commands then begins the return to harmony within God's garden.

In the Gospel for this weekend, Mark sets Jesus within a group of Jewish Pharisees and scribes who know and love the Laws and traditions of their faith observe the followers of Jesus not adhering to the customs of washing before eating which the elders prescribe. The elders are those rabbis who have spent centuries interpreting and specifying the exact details of the law of Moses.

Jesus takes time and responds directly to their questions about His followers. He quotes Isaiah which must have been hard to hear for them. Basically, He challenges them of adhering to human traditions, which can seem like worship or relationship, but their hearts are not really in their practices. They cling to what is simply human interpretation and abandon the divine love, which has sponsored the law. God is not into approving but relating lovingly with us.

News & Events

Please watch here for news and events, and join our events for good Catholic community!

Healing Holy Hour for Sr. Melinda

We have all been invited to St. Mary’s Church, 519 Longmeadow Street in Longmeadow, for a Holy Hour with Prayers for Healing for Sr. Melinda Pellerin, SSJ, on Tuesday, September 3rd, from 7:00-8:00p.m. for Adoration and the Rosary.

Religious Education

Registrations are now being accepted for the CCD (Faith Formation) program beginning this fall and running until the spring of 2025. Forms to sign up are available in the church, or at the Social Center registration table after the 8:15a.m. Saturday Mass and 10:30a.m. Sunday Mass on the following dates: August 24 & 25, August 31 and September 1. Please bring Baptism certificates if the child was not Baptized at Holy Name.

Blue Army

On the first Saturday of every month, the Blue Army group follows the 8:15a.m. Mass with a rosary, meditation on the mysteries and confession until approximately 10:30a.m. Everyone is invited to stay after Mass to take part.

Junior Legion of Mary

The Junior Legion of Mary is coming to Holy Name in October! The only requirements are being under 18 and wanting to grow with God.

For more information, visit http://juniorlegionofmary.blogspot.com/2013/04/what-is-junior-legion-of-mary.html

Bible Study

We are holding a Bible Study with Sr. Leila on the second Wednesday of the month at 10am and again at 6pm at the rectory.

Everyone is welcomed to come.

Join Our Brand New Holy Name Youth Group

Father Alex would like to invite all Boys and Girls between the ages of 13 to 20 years old, to be part of a
new Youth Group to represent our Holy Name Parish. We would like to hear your ideas and opinions as
to what future activities you would like to have available here in our parish. That is why we would like
to invite all Youth to sign up on the list located at the entrance to the main parking lot of the Church.
Upon completion of the list we will inform you of the date of the first meeting and together we can
begin a new future for our Holy Name Parish Youth. Father Alex is very happy and anxious to meet
with you soon. We look forward to meeting you.

Eucharistic Adoration

is on Tuesdays, 1-5p.m. Chaplet prayed at 3p.m., Rosary at 4:30p.m. followed by Benediction.

Safety Tip for Parishioners

If you are approached either in church or out in the parking for money, please do not comply. We do not want to encourage this practice, and want to do our best to keep our parishioners and Mass attendees safe and free from solicitations. If this happens to you, please call the If this happens to you, please call the rectory to report it (we will ask where, what time, general description of the person)and we will take the steps necessary to hopefully discourage this from happening again.
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