E-Newsletter for
May 26, 2023
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Dear Friends,

The term 'novena' is defined as a form of worship consisting of
special prayers and services for nine successive days. It comes from
the Latin 'novem' meaning - nine. It is traditionally held that the
very first "novena" took place during the time the Apostles spent with
Mary and the other women at prayer in the upper room after Jesus'
Ascension and before Pentecost. It was common among the early
Christians to have a 9-day period of mourning for the death of a loved
one. From this tradition, the 9-day novena of Masses for the soul of a
deceased person was established. In fact, the "novendialia" - the
novena of Masses for a deceased pope - still exists today. In the
Middle Ages, particularly in Spain and France, prayers and rituals
were offered 9 days before Christmas as a way to signify Jesus' 9
months in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Eventually over time,
various novena prayers were composed for the faithful in order that
they may prepare for a special feast day, to invoke the intercession
of a saint or for some sort of need.

Sadly, since the time of the Second Vatican Council, the regular
practice of praying a novena as a church community or even among the
lay faithful has become nearly obsolete. But yet, the discipline of
praying a novena is just as important today as it was in those times
when Christians felt the urgency to pray in this way. They still hold
a legitimate place in our Catholic spirituality. And the reason is
drawn from the Acts of the Apostles and the account of Pentecost. As
the Apostles waited and prayed, then, on the last day, the Holy Spirit
rushed upon them and moved out of fear to be - as Jesus told them -
witnesses to His truth, goodness and love. This is what makes a novena
so important even for us. The period of 9 consecutive days of prayer
is meant to intensify our lives of faith, strengthen our hearts and
empower us to be better and more faithful witnesses to God's love.
Perhaps, on this Pentecost day, we might ask the Holy Spirit to once
again empower us to be better and more faith-filled witnesses to Him.
May we bring back the pious practice of praying novenas in our own
personal spiritual lives - or even ask a friend, a spouse, a loved one
to pray it with you (this is in fact what I do - I pray with a friend
of mine to keep me accountable). And here are some things to pray for
in your novena:
  • Soul a deceased loved one/friend
  • Return of friends, family to Mass and the regular practice of the faith
  • Good health for a person/s who are ill
  • Reconciliation with a person you're in conflict with
  • Healing from past hurts
Whatever the reason or petition you bring, remember, even if your
request is not granted, the novena is meant to strengthen your faith
in God and that is always a good thing!

God bless you!

Fr. Jon

News & Events

Please watch here for news and events, and join our events for good Catholic community!

The Legion of Mary is Sponsoring A Coffee & Donut Social Hour

after the 10:30am and 12:30pm Masses on Sunday May 21st. All are welcome!

Memorial Day Masses

There are a few Memorial Day Masses (May 29) scheduled at our Diocesan Cemeteries. All are welcome to join one of the following:
  • 10am St. Michael Cemetery with Fr. Jeff Ballou
  • 10am Gate of Heaven Cemetery with Bishop Byrne
  • 9am St. Aloysius Cemetery with Fr. Calik

Construction on the New Church Roof

A reminder that while the church roof is being replaced, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesdays is suspended until the completion of the project.


rehearsal will be held Saturday May 27th at 2pm - Confirmation Mass is on Sunday May 28th at 10:30am.

The Steubenville East Conference

will be held in Springfield again this summer on July 21-23, 2023. Registration is open! The Diocese of Springfield is offering a $75 discount for all diocesan youth who register for this weekend.

Click here for more info: https://lifeteen.com/events/steubenville-east/


remember to silence your mobile phones during Mass. If you must take a call, please go outside. Thank you!

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