E-Newsletter for
April 19, 2024
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Message from Fr. John Chrysostom Tibakunirwa, Parish Administrator

Peter and John have cured a man who had been crippled and their good deed is not what gets them thrown into prison. They are living in the days of The Spirit. Their faith and actions which flow from that faith threaten the religious stability of the elders and leaders of the people. They want to know how they did this curing. Peter (now remember, Peter is speaking so boldly while under arrest) tells them exactly what they do not want to hear. They had raised the man to a walking condition through the power of the name of Jesus. Peter pushes his point a little farther. He reminds them all that Jesus was the one whom they, the leaders, had crucified. So the man who was literally raised, was healed in the name of Jesus, who was physically raised. Peter concludes his offensive defense by telling them that Jesus, the stone they threw away, has returned as the foundation of the structure through which salvation is extended to the whole world.

We will be hearing these next few Sunday's from John’s Gospel concerning God's love for us and our response. Easter is more than a day: It has implications. It extends life into time. Jesus lays down His life in response to his Father and today's Gospel states it all quite clearly.

News & Events

Please watch here for news and events, and join our events for good Catholic community!

Lay Ministry Opportunity

Save the Date - Sunday, May 19, 2024, 3:00 – 4:30 in the Church

We are expanding and enriching our lay ministries of lectors, eucharistic ministers and altar servers. These are vital roles at Holy Name, and we need all who have served in the past, are currently serving and most importantly wish to serve to save this date and attend this meeting.
It will be an opportunity to interact with one another and establish and practice a set of consistent and liturgically sound routines and practices so that we can all confidently and appropriately carry out these roles. What a beautiful way to engage or re-engage in parish life and to be part of the spiritual growth and enrichment of our parish.

Please consider this important work, save the date on your calendar, and tap a friend to join you.

2024 Mass Intentions

The book for the 2024 Mass Intentions is now open. Emails are preferred, but if unavailable, you can call the rectory. As always, you are welcome to schedule three weekend Masses; weekday Masses are unlimited.

Eucharistic Adoration

is on Tuesdays, 1-5p.m. Chaplet prayed at 3p.m., Rosary at 4:30p.m. followed by Benediction.

Safety Tip for Parishioners

If you are approached either in church or out in the parking for money, please do not comply. We do not want to encourage this practice, and want to do our best to keep our parishioners and Mass attendees safe and free from solicitations. If this happens to you, please call the If this happens to you, please call the rectory to report it (we will ask where, what time, general description of the person)and we will take the steps necessary to hopefully discourage this from happening again.

Junior Legion of Mary

The Junior Legion of Mary is coming to Holy Name in October! The only requirements are being under 18 and wanting to grow with God.

For more information, visit http://juniorlegionofmary.blogspot.com/2013/04/what-is-junior-legion-of-mary.html

Bible Study

We are holding a Bible Study with Sr. Leila on the first Tuesday of each month from 10-10:45a.m. in the church. We will be studying the Beatitudes. Everyone is welcomed to come.

Beginning in April, the Bible Study will be held on the second Wednesday of the month at 10am and again at 6pm in the church cry room.
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