E-Newsletter for
June 30, 2023
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Dear Friends,

This will be my final bulletin article. It is now official; Fr. John is the new administrator of Holy Name and I will begin my transition to St. Mary’s in Westfield. In May, when I made the announcement that I would be leaving the parish, I mentioned that we got a lot accomplished in a very short amount of time. My father used to say, all the time: “Leave it better than you found it.” I believe we did that in the last year. We made some changes in the church/sanctuary that help us to focus our attention more on Christ as the center of our lives and worship. We built a shrine to St. Joseph and created a welcoming/prayer space behind the sanctuary. We reignited parish activities and fellowship. Mass attendance is up – especially at the 10:30am and 12:30pm Masses. All in just one year! At my first “go” as an “inner-city” pastor, I think we did quite well together. I want to just say thank you. Thank you for the support and prayer that you gave me over this last year. I am truly grateful. You have left me with a lot of good memories, for which I am grateful.

With that, I would like to welcome Fr. John T. as your new administrator. Fr. John comes from Uganda and has been serving in the Archdiocese of Boston. He is not new to the Diocese of Springfield, however, having served as a chaplain at Baystate Medical Center many years ago. Please welcome him and show support for him. And don’t forget to keep the good things we started alive and well. It will be how you and Father work together that keeps the spirit alive in the parish. I wish you all the best of God’s blessings!!

God bless you!

Fr. Jon

News & Events

Please watch here for news and events, and join our events for good Catholic community!

Holy Name Prayer Line

The Holy Name Prayer Line is a group of 30+ parishioners (called the Prayer Line Partners) who pray for anyone who is in need of prayers for any reason. It could be an illness, loss of a loved one, etc., or a special intention. We invite you to share your prayer needs by calling Ann at the rectory (733-5823). You don’t even have to give us your name – just who (first name only, or you can say a woman, a man, a parishioner) the group would pray for and a very brief reason (i.e., surgery, illness, special intention, etc.) for the request. We compile a daily list (Monday through Friday) and email it to the partners who have emails, and it is called in to those who do this by phone (first person calls the second, and so on). Please contact Ann at the rectory, 733-5823, if you think you would like to join the group. Thank you.

The first Monday of every month

members of our parish are cooking and bringing American Chop Suey to South Congregational Church to serve the hungry of our city. If you can help with the cooking, please call Ann at the rectory, 733-5823. You may use your own recipe. Meals can be dropped off between 4:15 and 4:30p.m., or you are invited to stay and help serve. You’ll find plenty of safe parking right in the church parking lot.

Eucharistic Adoration

is on Tuesdays, 1-5p.m. Chaplet prayed at 3p.m., Rosary at 4:30p.m. followed by Benediction.

Hospital Visits and Homebound Parishioner Visits

If someone in your family is homebound or in a nursing facility, and you want to have someone from the parish visit and to give communion, please call the rectory office, 733-5823, ext. 113. Also, if someone is in the hospital and would like to have a visit by a priest, please call the same number and leave a message. We will need the hospitalized person’s name, which hospital, and their cell phone or hospital phone number, if possible. If it is an emergency and someone needs a visit ASAP for last rites, call our number and press 3 (the emergency extension).

The Steubenville East Conference

will be held in Springfield again this summer on July 21-23, 2023. Registration is open! The Diocese of Springfield is offering a $75 discount for all diocesan youth who register for this weekend.

Click here for more info: https://lifeteen.com/events/steubenville-east/

A Golf Tournament honoring USMC Captain Daniel M. Walsh III

will be held on Friday, June 30th at Franconia C.C., 9a.m. shot gun start. $125 includes breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner golf and cart. Foursomes only. 50/50 raffle and prizes – proceeds will be donated to The Gunnery Sgt. Thomas J. Sullivan Foundation. Contact Mike Borecki at mdborecki@gmail.com or call 413-351-6572.

Holy Name Newsletter

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