Pope Francis has invited all members of the Church throughout the world to engage in a synod in which we are asked to listen to each other and the Holy Spirit and offer our reflections on what it means to be Church today (and how we are journeying together as a Church). Listening sessions will be held at the parish and group levels and ideas and comments will then be given to Bishop Byrne who will bring them to the national meeting of bishops (the USCCB). A report will in turn be given to Pope Francis.

Our parish meetings will be held February 23rd at 2 pm and March 3rd at 6 pm in the church. All are invited to attend. Bishop Byrne has asked us to reflect on: What is God asking of us? How can we be better? How can we grow according to the yearnings of the Spirit within our lives?

If you cannot attend on either of these dates, you could still send in your thoughts via email to synod@diospringfield.org.