Religious Education

Registration Date is Sunday, September 18th in the Social Center after the 10:30a.m. Mass. If your child was not baptized here at Holy Name, you must include a Baptism certificate along with your registration form. Classes begin on September 25th and will be held at the Social Center on Sundays right after the 10:30a.m. Mass.
Classes are held on Sundays after the 10:30a.m. Mass except on the following dates:
- January 15th MLK, No Classes
- February 19th No classes
- March 19th No Classes
- April 9th No Classes
- April 16th No Classes
The Last Day of Classes will be April 30, 2023.
First Reconciliation: March 11, 2023
First Holy Communion: May 7, 2023 @ 10:30am Mass
Confirmation: May 28, 2023 @ 10:30am
Calendario del Programa de Formación
Las clases son los Domingos después de la misa de las 10:30, excepto en las siguientes fechas:
Enero 15, MLK / Febrero 19, / Marzo 19, / Abril 9, / Abril 16, / No habrá clases.
El último día de clases será, el 30 de Abril, 2023.
La Primera Reconciliación será, el 11 de Marzo, 2023.
La Primera Comunión será, el 7 de Mayo, 2023 a las 10:30am.
La Confirmación será, el 28 de Mayo, 2023 a las 10:30am.
En caso de tormenta de nieve, las cancelaciones se enumerarán en televisión – WWLP- Canal 22
Confirmation Classes will begin on Sunday, October 2nd, and be held at the church from 5-6p.m.
They are held on Sundays, 5:00-6:00p.m. on the following dates:
- February 5, 2023 Class
- March 5, 2023 Project
Last service project is for Holy Week (subject to Covid conditions at that time)
*April 6, 2023, Holy Thursday 6:15 church**
*April 7, 2023, Good Friday 6:15 church**
*April 8, 2023, Holy Saturday, 7:15 church**
- Confirmation Date is May 28, 2023 at 10:30a.m.
**Indicates all students must attend including students from Pope Francis Prep
Clases de Confirmación
Febrero 5, projecto / Marzo 5, Retiro PSD /
Ultimo projecto de servicios para Semana Santa son :
Abril , Jueves Santo / abril 7, Viernes Santo / Abril 8, Sabado de Gloria /
Esto indíca que todos los estudiantes deben asistir, incluyendo los estudiantes de Pope Francis Prep.
En caso de tormenta de nieve, las cancelaciones se enumerarán en televisión – WWLP- Canal 22
Registration forms are available on the table at the parking lot entrance.
The cost is $40 per child, or $70 for a family. You will receive a calendar of classes on the first day of class.
Important Note for all Teachers – You must go to , and you will be instructed from there. This must be completed prior to the first class on September 25th.
Questions? Please call the rectory at 413-733-5823
Also, if the weather is stormy, please tune in to Channel 22 WWLP to see if classes are being canceled.
RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
For more information about joining RCIA, please call the rectory at 413-733-5823
Fact sheet
What is it? A journey in which adults become full, active, participating members of the Catholic Church
- grow in their relationship with God
- become familiar with Catholic teachings and practices
- receive all or individually needed Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist)
The Steps of the Journey
Period of Inquiry
How someone comes to consider joining the Catholic Church is unique to each individual.
- Desire to receive sacraments
- Marriage
- Faith experience or period of searching
Rite of Acceptance
This is called the Period of the Catechumenate
- Formal study of the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church
- The Church claims these men and women for Christ by signing them with the cross. Inquirers declare their faith
Rite of Election
Catechumens are
- Called to receive the sacraments by the bishop
- In Lent the elect, as well as the parish, pray in a special way to prepare them more fully for the sacraments.
Initiation and Mystagogia
On Holy Saturday, the Easter Vigil, the primary celebration of the Lord’s resurrection, the elect celebrate their baptism, confirmation, and/or first eucharist.
The journey of faith lasts a lifetime. The weeks after Easter are a time for new Catholics to seek out their place in the parish community.
If you have questions please feel free to call Deacon Michael Hodges or Fr. David Aufiero at 733-5823. We look forward to hearing from you.
Adapted from the R.C.I.A., Liturgical Publishings