The Diocese of Springfield provides VIRTUS® in-person and Zoom awareness training for adults to help identify and prevent child sexual abuse. 

The Protecting God’s Children® Program for Adults teaches clergy, diocesan / parish / school / agency employees, volunteers, parents and other caring adults to recognize the warning signs of sexual abuse and to respond appropriately.

Effective July 11, 2022 in-person training sessions are offered weekly at the Pastoral Center in Springfield, Massachusetts on the following days and times: 

·9:00 AM – First and Third Monday of Each Month

·1:00 PM – Second and Fourth Thursday of Each Month

·6:00 PM – Second Thursday of Each Month

Training sessions are three-hours in length. Given the sensitive nature of material presented, attendance at these three-hour training session is restricted to adults. Please note that a ZOOM option is available for those unable to attend in-person.

In addition to the adult trainings listed above, trainings will be held at various locations throughout the Diocese of Springfield during the year. For a list of available training sessions, please register for a VIRTUS®Online account or log into your current account at

TO ATTEND A TRAINING YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER THROUGH VIRTUS®ONLINE. To register to attend a three-hour awareness session, please go online to and select “Registration” for the “Springfield Diocese,” then follow the prompts.

Please call your parish or school Safe Environment Coordinator if you have any questions. Your Safe Environment Coordinator’s contact information is provided when you register. You may also contact Paula Denno from the diocesan Office of Safe Environment and Victim Assistance at 413-452-0662 with any questions.  All participants must arrive on time.  Those arriving late will need to register for an alternate training. Childcare is not provided.